Monday, December 17, 2012

Countdown to Christmas!!

Hi Everyone!!  I'm sure your house is buzzing with the spirit of the approaching holiday.  If you are like me, your daily "work to-do list" and "home to-do list" are both a mile long.

 I have lots of fun planned for this week!  In the spirit of Little House in the Big Woods  we will be making some gifts for loved ones, we will be publishing our opinion writing to the blog (a must see for any last minute Christmas shopping), and comparing various food chains.  As you can see, there is a lot happening in room 205! 

On Friday, we will celebrate the end of 1st semester with our 4th Annual Hawthorn Reindeer Games!  For those new to Hawthorn, this is a fun all-school event.  Parents are welcome to come and join in on the games (or just watch).  If you have any questions, send me an email or give me a call.

Have a great week and I hope to see you on Friday!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The yummy crackers By Ryann buster

after 2nd recess our teacher Mrs.Coen  the best teacher of all washed the butter off. Put the butter on 1 cracker and.put apricot jam on another cracker.Put the butter and jam together and passed the crackers out! The crackers were  AWESOMELY good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we got seconds. it was good!I love these should make them!

Making Butter By: Luke

Last week we made butter. It was so fun! First we put heavy whipping cream in the churner. Then we took turns churning the butter. You have to be strong.  After we were done churning we put the butter on crackers and ate it. It was really good!

Opinin Writing By Raquel Tenbrink

This week we did opinion writing.We wrote about what we like and don't like. Like why cats are better then dogs or why you should save the Polar Bears (that was mine).We had to write in our notebooks about our opinions. I didn't know when we were going to start drafting but I was existed to draft!!!!!
Time to put our notebooks away mrs coen.   We are going to draft next week.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter Extravaganza!

I hope your 3rd grader told you about making butter. We had a great time taking turns at the butter churn. Then we enjoyed our fresh butter on saltine crackers! We are having such fun reading Little House In The Big Woods and comparing our lives with Laura's. One thing we could all agree on...churning butter takes some muscle!

I will be out of the classroom tomorrow (Dec. 7) for an all day co-teaching workshop. I plan on sharing more details with you next week.

Finally, I want to invite you to our WINTER EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, December 8. I will be here at Hawthorn early and hope to see you!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Disappearing Colony

When Sir Walter Raleigh took 113 people to a new land.After they were in the new land,the needed supplies so Sir Walter Raleigh sailed back to England.When he sailed back.  .   .    .     .      .   .     .      .  .    .   .    . .    .    .    .    .   .   .   .   .     .     .     .     .   .   .     .EVEry ONE WAS GONE!Then the next thing he saw was a word on a tree it was the word CROATOAN.No one was ther.Its a mystery.

Book clubs

In our class we are having a book club i really like when we share our thoughts and feeling. i have two girls in my group and four boys in my group. i wish there was more girls. the book i am reading is black lagoon. i really like thoghs books. next moth we are going to change book. i wonder what book i will have. i want mercy watso. they sound really funny. well that is what i think  i really need to read more that is why i have so many books at home i have a very good time at my book club

Book Clubs By: Sarah Dunn

I'm going to tell you about a book club were doing. There are groups and they are Horrible Harry,Black Lagoon,Amber Brown,Mercy Watson,and The Adventures of Stink. I'm reading Horrible Harry. I read two Horrible Harry books. I read Horrible Harry And The Purple people, and The Mud Gremlins. You should read them both. Both are really good.

Opinion Writing By Isadora

   Dear Parents,
This week in writing we were working on opinion writing {Which is also called a review}.
   My thesis sentence was: I am the best tether ball player in the third grade. some others were: Rise of the Guardians is better than Wreck- it- Ralph by Isabella H., I am the best quarterback on the football team by Luke R., and Fiction is better than nonfiction by Ryann B. I agree with all of those students.
   One of the activities we did to help us get ready to write a review was we each ate three of the fallowing chocolate chips: Semisweet, dark, and milk chocolate.
     Most of our class thought milk chocolate was the best. The least amount of students liked the semisweet. I liked the milk chocolate and the semisweet the best. I should write a review about that!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!  I wish you all a peaceful day with your loved ones.  My family will be staying close to home this year and I am certainly thankful to be sans loooong car ride. :)

We spent a lot of time learning about Pilgrim life over the past few days.  I'm sure this will make for great dinner conversation on Thursday.  Below is the link to Plimoth Plantation's virtual field trips and interactive game.  Many of the students were interested in learning more and here is their opportunity!

Looking forward to next week I want to remind you of the upcoming events listed below:

Peek at the Week

Finally, I want to share my thanks to all of you!  I appreciate the opportunity to work with your children every day.  They are eager, thoughtful, and kind.  I have the best job in the world!!  Thanks for supporting what we do here, in school, and teaching your children to value their education. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Publishing Parties

Our 1st round of presenting our writing was very successful! We thank all the students and adults who listened to our stories and provided positive feedback. Just a reminder, there are still two opportunities for friends and family to come and hear our personal narratives:  Monday 11/19 at  9:00-10:00 and Tuesday 11/20 at 1:10. 

Also, don't forget the Scholar Dollar Fundraiser ends tomorrow!  Stay tuned for more pics and the Peek at the Week. 

Luke showing he has just finished sharing one of his stories.

Jillian reading her story to another student.

Ryan K. hearing feedback from a friend.

Thanks to all of the adults who showed up!

Corben reads his story to a Mr. Maxwell.

Bella shares her story to a friend.

Friday, November 16, 2012

London by Jake Powell

Yesterday we went on a bus tour of London for three hours. We saw a bunch of different things from the bus like the London Eye, Big Ben (which is just a clock - I thought it was a statue of someone!), Buckingham Palace where the queen lives, the London Bride and the Tower Bridge. We didn't get off the bus to see anything up close yet but we are going to today.

After the tour we went to this cool McDonald's. The food was the same but some of it was called different things like "mayo chicken" was just a chicken sandwich with mayo and lettuce. They also have a McFlurry with Kit Kats - it was so good! Then we went to M&M world but it was just a bunch of different M&M things - no rides or anything - just a store.

After that we were walking around this place called Piccadilly Square and we went by a cinema which is what they call a movie theater. There was a blue carpet set up and a bunch of posters for Rise of the Guardians. We went over there and stood there for a while and it was cold. This police officer told us it was a movie premiere and a bunch of people started walking up the blue carpet. We even saw some famous people - Isla Fisher and Chris Pine. After everybody went in we started walking away and then a security guy asked us if we wanted to watch the movie. We said "YES!" so he gave us 5 free tickets and we got to go in and watch the Rise of the Guardians. The famous people were in there, too! The theater was really big and really cool. The movie was in 3D and I really liked it! You should go see it! I got to keep my 3D glasses, too!

Today we are going to go around London on the bus again and get off at the places we want to see. I am excited to see the London Eye up close. We are going to eat fish &  chips, too! I miss you guys and I will see you on Monday! Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Edinburgh zoo and the train to London By Jake Powell

Sorry I couldn't blog yesterday. We took the train from Edinburgh to London and didn't have internet. 

On Tuesday we went to the Edinburgh Zoo. We saw a bunch of animals! Did you know they have two giant pandas? They weren't very giant though! They got them from China but only get to keep them for 10 years. When they were born they were the size of their ear. Now the boy weighs 70 kilograms and the girl weighs 30 kilograms. They eat bamboo and sometimes get carrots and apples. Sometimes they even feed them "panda cakes" but we don't know what is in them because the zookeeper keeps it a secret. 

The zoo had about the same kind of animals as Kansas City zoo but they all moved around more and we could get a lot closer to them. I liked the spider monkeys (there is a website where you can see them - ""), the zebras, the tigers and the chimpanzees. I got some really cool pictures and I will show them to you when we get back. The rhinoceroses were like right in front of you - like 5 feet away. The fence wasn't that good of a fence and it was like they could run right through it! One of them even put his head through the fence.  

Yesterday we went on the train to London.  It took 4 hours! Then we took a subway to Leicester Square in London. London is a way bigger city than Edinburgh and way busier. We walked around a little bit last night and ate at a chinese restaurant because we are staying in a "flat" in chinatown. A flat is just another word for an apartment. The flat has 2 bedrooms. When we got off the subway last night we noticed a bunch of spotlights in the sky and lots of people down the street. Later on we found out the whole cast from the new Twilight movie was in London right there and they were signing posters and a lot of people were taking pictures but we missed them by 10 minutes. My oldest sister loves Twilight and was sad that she didn't get to see them in person! But it was still cool that we were so close!

So, today we are going to look at a lot of stuff in London and I will tell you all about it later - and I will take a lot of pictures!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Edinburgh castle By Jake Powell

Yesterday me and my family went to Edinburgh castle. It was huge! It's built on a dead volcano. They don't know when it was built the first time (probably in the 12th century) but they know that it was rebuilt in the 1400s after it was burned down.  There was a really old church. It could only fit 25 people in it! It was so small! There was also a prison they used during different wars. The rooms were so small! Nobody lives in the castle anymore but when queen Elizabeth or any other person from the royal family is in Scotland they visit the castle but stay in the palace. We didn't get to see the palace. In the castle we saw the Scottish Crown Jewels. It was a pretty cool crown. No one has worn it for a couple of centuries because they have the Crown Jewels for the whole United Kingdom now. We went through the great hall and there was a bunch of swords and suits of armor. We even saw some jousting sticks! They were about 5 meters long. We also went up the "lang stairs". (Lang is just another word for long.) Guess how many stairs there were? 70! Today we are going to try to go to the Edinburgh zoo. Have a good day at school!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Scotland by Jake Powell

Hey it's Jake! Guess where I am? Scotland! I got here yesterday! Our plane landed at 7:45 a.m. in Scotland but it was 1:45 in Missouri! Our plane flew all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. What was cool about the plane was there was a little movie screen on the back of every chair. Before we flew to Edinburgh,Scotland we flew from Missouri to New Jersey. When we got here it was freezing! We walked around for a few hours last night and saw some really cool buildings. We slept for a long time last night! This morning the fire alarm woke us up at 11:00 a.m. but there was no fire. Today were going to a really old castle. Hope you guys have a good time at school.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday November 9, 2012

I hope you have had a great week; I know I have and I believe my students would say the same thing!  I have a lot of information to share with you today regarding many events scheduled here at Hawthorn and for the Park Hill School District.

Park Hill Education Foundation Fundraising Begins

A large envelop will be sent home on Monday to kick off the Education Foundations Scholar Dollars fundraising campaign.  The money raised through the sale of these value cards goes to support and enhance educational opportunities within the Park Hill School District.  This can take the form of scholarships for college-bound students or grant money for innovative teachers. The goal of the Education Foundation is for each child to sell 3 cards. For more information about the Education Foundation and their role in our school district please visit


We will continue the tradition of hosting a food pantry for those in need. Please send your child with pantry items throughout next week.


Personal Narrative Publishing Party!!

We are so excited to extend an invitation to all of our families and friends for our first publishing party of the year!!  The students have been diligently working to craft meaningful personal narratives and are excited to share them with you.  An invitation was sent home today, Friday Nov. 9th.  You have 3 opportunities to hear the children share their writing.  The dates are as follows:  Friday Nov. 16th from 9:30-10:30, Monday Nov. 19th from 9:00-10:00, and Tuesday Nov. 20th from 1:00-1:50.  Please check your schedule and RSVP for one of those blocks of time.  We hope you can join us!

School-wide Read In and Silly String Celebration

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break we will be celebrating the success of our Math-A-Thon by having a school-wide Read In from 10:00-10:30.  Later that afternoon we will join the rest of the school in the gym to watch Mrs. Cazzell's class spray silly string on Mrs. Hemaya and Ms. Erwin.  They earned this exciting reward by raising the most Math-A-Thon donations. 

Peek at the Week

Here is a copy of special dates to remember for the week of Nov. 12-16th
Click here for a printable version of the Peek at the Week

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Fall Back!" by Mrs. Coen

This weekend we "fall back" an hour.  I don't know about you, but I felt like falling back under the covers each time I heard the alarm clock this week.  Halloween is lots of fun and a lot more exhausting!  The good news...the week ahead looks a bit calmer.

 We have McTeacher Night on Monday from 4-8.  I hope to see some of you there.  I am signed up to work from 4-5, which is rather early for some families.  If I don't see you there, I am sure I'll see you in the paparazzi pics posted to the Hawthorn Facebook page.  :)  The money Hawthorn raises at McTeacher night is used to enhance your child's education.  Currently, we are looking at using the money raised to increase the technology in our classrooms. 

As the Peek at the Week states, book orders are due on Friday.  If you are wanting to place your order online you can follow this link to place your order:  Scholastic Book Clubs.  Our classroom code is: 1EENK.  If you would like to place your order via check, you can find the Scholastic flyer in your child's conference folder.

Yummy Math By:Jillian

Yesterday,we brought 5 pieces of candy for math.We did a math work sheet  that had math problems that involved candy.And if  we are good we get to have a piece of our candy at the       
end of the day .We also did a work sheet on venn diagram on 2 pieces of candy.Was math this fun when you where in school?

Art by Izack

At  art  we  painted  our  gargoyles. We  got  messy  painting  them.

reading Winn-Dixie by:Sarah

In reading we're working on making movies in our heads. Right now were reading Because of Winn-Dixie. It a good book. It a book about a girl and a dog. The girl's name is Opal she found the dog at a store called  Winn-Dixie .  That's why she called the dog Winn-Dixie. Have you read  Because of Winn-Dixie?

Haunted Gym By Jake Powell

On Wednesday the school made a haunted gym. It was so fun! There was a tunnel, balance beam, a rope swing, and all that crazy stuff! On the rope swing there were bleachers and you got on the rope and jumped off the bleachers. And then You jumped off the rope and landed on a mat! There was even a fake mummy! He was scary. Whenever you walk in there's the tunnel that I told you about earlier. Mrs. Bearce and the fifth graders helped us find our way around.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Oh my goodness!  We have had a lot of fun the past few days!!  Last night the super heroes of room 205 dazzled us with their super musical abilities during the 3rd grade Demonstration Program.  What a talented group of kids (and parents) I have in this class!

This afternoon, my classroom was filled with ladybugs, pumpkins, pokemon, and ghouls!  We had so much fun dressing up, eating caramel apples, and playing games.  Thank you for all of the fantastic parent support.  You were all a tremendous help!

I'm sure all of my students will be very tired tomorrow after their night of trick or treating.  But, as they say, the show must go on!!  I have some fun "day after Halloween" math activities planned.  Please send your child with a bag of 5 small Halloween treats they collected.  We will be using these candies throughout the day!

Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Will You Follow Us?

Hi All!  In an effort to keep you all regularly informed I added three new gadgets to this blog.  All of these gadgets can be found on the right hand side of the blog.  First, I added a "follow" gadget.  By following our blog, new posts will be automatically sent to your Google Reader or any other reader you might use.  You don't need any special account to follow us, either. Also, I included a "follow by email" gadget.  I would love if you linked our blog up to your email so you can be alerted whenever changes to the blog are made.  Finally, I added a search button, just above the archive list.  Now, if you are wondering what the code is for online book orders or when the Fall Festival can choose a term and search the blog for the information.

I hope these new gadgets help you stay current on our classroom.  My next goal is to link up a Google calendar with important dates for you to refer any time you need. 

What would you like to see from our class blog?  Post your comments below.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thank You!!

Thank you for attending your child's conference.  It was so great to see all of you and discuss your child's progress in third grade.  I have a fantastic group of kids in this class and am looking forward to the rest of the school year.

Our "Fall Party" is on Wednesday October 31st.  Students will begin to get dressed in costumes at 1:50.  The parade will begin at 2:00.  At 2:15, we will come back to the classroom and enjoy snacks, crafts and games.  If you are interested in donating items for the fall party please sign up on the google document link below. 

Below is a list of several important dates for November.  Please mark you calendar.
October 30: 3rd Grade Demo (arrive at 5:45, program begins at 6:00)

October 30:
Hawthorn MAP Practice Day (practice MAP testing behavior and sample items)

November 5:
McTeacher Night – 4:00 to 8:00 (Mrs. Coen works from 4:00-5:00)
November 6:
Election Day

November 12:
Veteran’s Day
November 13:Fire Drill – 1:45 pm

November 13:PTA Meeting – 6:30 to 7:30 pm

November 15:
5th Grade Musical
November 17:Hawthorn Mercury Gymnastics Night

November 21st-23rd:Thanksgiving Break


Friday, October 19, 2012

Math By Jake Powell

This week in math we did rounding mountain. The theme for rounding mountain was the bear family. The bear family is on a trip to honey pot park and their car can't hold that much gas. Between every mountain there would be a gas station. The bear family's car would stop somewhere on the mountain and we would choose what gas station they would have to roll their car to. It's 100 miles from the bear family's house to honey pot park! Then the bear family went to Goldilocks's house. It was 1,000 miles away! Now the mountains were 100 miles long! I don't think I would be able to sit in the car that long! Moan Moan !

Reading By:Jillian

In reading we are working on Character Analysis! That means what the
 character's personalty is. We were reading A Chair For My Mother and
Chicken Sunday! My is  favorite Chicken Sunday! Chicken Sunday is about
a girl that's name is Trisha her grandma died and she found a step grandma
named Mrs.Eula and Mrs.Eula wanted a hat in the hat store for Easter but
it was too much money! A Chair For My Mother is about a girl and her
mother that she lived with .they had a jar and that jar was for a special
thing! That jar was for a chair !  They needed a chair because there chairs
and furniture got burnt down in a fire! Which book sounds the most
interesting to you?

Friday October 19th, 2012

Grade cards will be sent home today. Please sign and return the envelope only.  The actual grade card is for your records.  In addition to grade cards, I am sending home Buzz Books for those who purchased one. 

This week went by so quickly!!  Thank you for bringing in a pumpkin for our pumpkin-ology observations.  The students have begun estimating and measuring circumference and weight for their pumpkin.  We will continue to work with our pumpkins next week.  They will be sent home on Wednesday.  If your child brought in a large pumpkin and you would prefer to take it home with you at conference, just let me know and I'll keep it until then.

Speaking of conferences...Wednesday (night) and Thursday (afternoon and night) are scheduled for parent/teacher conferences.  I have 4 families who have not signed up.  If you do not have a time scheduled, please contact myself or the office as soon as possible.  During conferences, I plan on sharing examples of your child's work, along with information regarding their progress in third grade.  I will also be able to answer any questions you have regarding the grade card. 

Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  Please look at the "Peek at the Week" to know what activities are scheduled for each of the three days.

Finally,  I sent a link to a google document on Monday regarding donations for the Fall Party.  I received an email yesterday informing me that several of you did not get the email.  If you are interested in signing up for Fall Party donations please click the link below and sign up to bring an item.

 Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012

This will be a brief update...I hope to have more time on Monday to post about conferences and the upcoming Halloween Party.
PTA is planning a Hawthorn Movie Night tonight from 6:30-8:30.  Check your child's folder for the flyer regarding this event. 
Remember, there is no school Monday.  Teachers will be working on grade cards. 

Click here for your copy of out Peek at the Week.

Have a great weekend!


Art by Izack

At  art  we  are drawing  an  old  house.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Fall Y'All!

(Okay, I recognize the title of this post is a little hokey.) 

Happy Friday everyone!  Jack Frost has definitely visited this week; the chill is in the air and the leaves have really begun to change their colors.  Please be sure your child brings a sweatshirt or jacket on these autumn days.

A letter was sent home today regarding the Symphony Field Trip.  We were so amazed by the overwhelming interest from parents to attend the symphony!  The letter explains in more detail the reason only 5 parents from each class will be able to attend.  If your name was not chosen from the drawing, your money was returned with the letter.  We are planning a bowling field trip in the spring and those of you who showed interest in the Symphony, but did not get to attend will be the first on the list of chaperons for this field trip.

Due to construction, the McTeacher Night scheduled for next week has been moved to Nov. 5th.  I am signed up to work from 4:00-5:00.  I hope to see lots of you there!

Please remember to continue to collect Math-A-Thon pledges.  Students will take their test on Friday, October 12th.  When the tests have been graded, I will send them back to you.  At that time, you can collect the pledged amounts from your family and friends. 

We will begin our Pumpkinology study the week of October 15th. In order to do this study we need pumpkins of various sizes.  Please send your child to school with a pumpkin during that week.  They will be returned to you the week of parent/teacher conferences.

The Fall Party is on the radar.  Stay-tuned for upcoming information regarding this celebration!  Are you interested in helping out?  Do you have any fun ideas for the Fall Party?  Share your comments below.

4-square and Tetherball by Izack Clubb

At  PE  we  are  playing  4-square  and  tetherball.  It is  fun  becuse  it  is  active. 

Library By Kendal Obie

Dear parents this week we had library and we learned the three Ws and they are: who, what, when, where, why, how.   We read the book called The Boy Who Cride Wolf.   When we were done we re- told the story. And the stoy was about a boy who went to the town and said wolf !wolf ! wolf! and the third time he did, no one came and helped. He did not no where his sheep were so he looked in the tree and guess what they were in the tree! And it was funny because all of the leaves were not in the tree they were on the ground! And when we were done with re-telling the story, we got our book and then went to our class  room and put our books away and then got ready for luch.           the end.

Gargoyles. By Jake Powell

  • This week in art we made gargoyles with clay. The clay was so soft! Do you now what gargoyles are for? Gargoyles are for scaring away mean things. like ghosts. Do you know what the clay cooks at when you make gargoyles? It cooks at 1,800 something degrees. Did you know gargoyles are supposed to look freaky. Gargoyles can look like  anything! A cat a dog a goat anything! That's what I like about gargoyles.

Friday, September 28, 2012

What's your schema? by Tyler

This week ourclass has been talking a lot about schema and making connections.  Another word for schema is background knowledge. Catchy huh? You use schema for a lot of reading! If you have a lot of schema that means you are very smart. Did you know that? Making connections is fun too!Zeke's connections are very amazing. Heres one of Zeke's: He noticed he found another crow in a another book. Awesome right? Making connections and using schema has been super fun!!!                                        By i'm Tyler

Click here to listen to the story we shared this week.

Everybody has a Personal Narrative! By Zeke

This week in class we have been working on personal narratives!The class helped Mrs.Coen think of her personal narrative!:) Her personal narrative is the school picnic.Yummy! My personal was about my first ride at World of Fun! Tyler's personal narritive is about Lance Moore. Sounds interesting!Corben's personal narrative is about swimming at Parsons! Can you take me to go swimming? What is your personal narritive going to be about? See ya I need to go back & revise for a while!

By Zeke

Leaf Safari by Patricia

This week in school for science we had a little safari for leaves! When we got outside we saw so many leaves. We didn't know what leaves to pick from. Some people got giant leaves. Some people got medium leaves. An some people little leaves. As soon as we got inside we put are leaves in are science folder. The next day glued papers to are science note books. After we glued all papers to are science note books we drew a picture of are leaves. Then we studied are leaves. We saw are length of are leaves and saw with of the leaves. An were still learning about them. Leaf Safari is Sweet!!!!

Saying Good-Bye to September!

I honestly can not believe how quickly September flew by.  The kids and I have hit our stride with our daily routines and I couldn't ask for a better group of students to spend my days teaching.  Of course when I turned the calendar over to plan for next week, panic set in!  Only 2 weeks until the end of 1st Quarter, YIKES!  There are still so many things on my to-do list.  One thing that may be on your child's to-do list is reaching their AR goal.  The students have only 2 weeks to get their remaining points. You may want to talk with them about their progress and set up a plan to help attain the last few points. 

**UPDATE:  The AR website I linked up in last week's post doesn't actually work for Park Hill students.  I recently learned that the ability to receive email alerts regarding your child's progress on AR quizzes comes at an additional fee to the district.  Maybe someday this will be available, but until then we will have to communicate progress via paper. **


Here is our Peek At Next Week:

Re;minder:  Please be sure to call the office to sign up for conferences.  They are quickly approaching!


Mountain Math & Sticker Station by Ryan

In mountain math we did 7 through 12.  It's fun. But in sticker station we get to do addition and subtraction.  After we are done doing math, we get to do a math game. It's cool.  We are almost done with mountain math so I got to do that when I was done with  my paper.
Mountain Math

Sticker Station helps us understand place value.  You can buy stickers in sheets, strips, or singles.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Perfect End to a Perfect Week!

We had a fantastic grill-out today!  The weather was sunny and beautiful!  Thank you to all of the families able to join us today; it was great having you here.

Today I sent home the first book order of the year. I encourage you to try the online book ordering.  Scholastic is giving away a special free book for every online order this month, so give it a try. 

Click here to order directly from the Scholastic Online Order page!  Our order code is 1EENK.
I know many of you are curious about how often your child is taking their AR quizzes and whether our not they are earning points toward the October AR Celebration.  This week I learned about Renlearn Home Connect.  This link allows you to be alerted through email when your child takes an AR quiz and how they did on the quiz!  Just go to Renlearn Home Connect and enter your child's school username and password (don't worry...they will be glad to help you with that, they're experts)!  From there you will be able to register your email for notifications.  I think this is a wonderful way to stay current on your child's progress toward their reading goal.
Next Friday is our Teachers in Tutus Dodgeball Game! 
It should be a hysterical half hour.  Feel free to stop by.
Finally, here is a Peek at Next Week: 
If you haven't been reading the student bloggers' reviews of the week, you are missing out.  They are providing well-written, accurate summaries of their learning this week and I am thoroughly impressed!  What was your child's favorite part of this week?

Math Fun by Patricia

This week in math we learned some new fun things.We learned a new math game called Collect $2.00. IT'S really fun!!  We also have a math routine.  First we have to do independent work. Then, we can play a math game. Any kind of math game.Yay!!!!When we're done we get our math folder and write down the math story problem.

Encore by Tyler H.

In P.E. our class played kick ball. It was a very long game! Jake caught, like, every ball!!! We also did running and stretches. In art, we are drawing dragons. Mr. waters is drawing a really cool dragon.  In music, we are practicing for our performance Oct.30th.  It has been really fun in Encore!!!                                                                                             

The Boston Tea Party! by Ryan

This week we learned about the Boston Tea Party.
 Mrs. Coen read a comic book about the Boston Tea party in an accent, it was cool!  It all started because the Americans did not wan't to pay taxes on the Tea so they put coal on their faces and dumped the tea off board. Then, King George closed the harbor so they would starve. So the Americans sent a letter to King George called the Declaration of Independence.  They where their own country!   It was cool.

Reading by Zeke

This week in reading we were tuning into interesting words! So we looked for words that we admired.:) Here are some words: gargantuan, vigorously, flabbergasted, satisfactory & manufactured.

We also made retelling ropes.
It has a picture of a setting, characters, problem, beginning, middle, end, and solution.

Next we retold My Ol' Man. It is a Patrica Polacco book. We've read a lot of Patrica Polacco books.:)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  It was so great to see many of you at the Fall Festival.  It looked like everyone was having a fantastic time. 

Below is a newsletter you can refer to for your weekly planning.

I am away from the classroom Monday and Tuesday this week due to curriculum writing at Central Office.  I can't wait to be back to see the kiddos on Wednesday!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 14, 2012

What Happens When an M & M gets wet? by Ryan

We did science and we dipped a m&m in a bucket of water.  It turned the water in the bucket red. We had to write about it before recess.  We got to eat a m&m. It had chocolate in it.  It was cool!

Grandparents' Day! by Patricia

This Monday we had our grandparents come over to school to have lunch.Their were so many grandparents that when the 5th graders came they didn't know where to sit. After lunch was over most of the grandparents went outside and played with us.When recess was over the teacher asked our grandparents to come in.Then the teacher asked the grandparents to tell us how third grade was for them. So we asked questions.We learned that they only had two classrooms. Or how when it was lunch time they had no lunch room so they could go home an eat lunch if their house was close.We had so much fun learning!

Music by Zeke

We are working on our program in music.  Some of the songs will be doing our Road Kill Stew & That 50's Song!  A few of our composers are Tim Wiegan & Bach. Some instruments we will use are drums, xylophones, and shaker eggs. We will be dancing with our parents at the end of the musical!:)

Math by Tyler

This week our class did math.When we did math we played math games like the game with the 100s sheet and chips.You get cards that say things like -20.Then you move your chip on the 100s sheet.There's chips on the board.You're trying to capture 5 chips.  Another game is Place Value Trail 10-100. It's where you have a white board marker and you draw two cards and put them in order on your board.You're trying to get them in order without having to erase your board.We did a lot of fun things this week!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

This Week Has Been Sizzling!

A Word from the student bloggers (Max and Josh)

Social Studies:
We have been working on what a responsible citizen is.

We have been making tens. We have started mountain math this week. Our class has been talking about adding. Our class is on a new math website called Mangahigh.

(I think there was an error in saving this draft, as we lost Bella's and Tori's reporting.)

A Word from Mrs. Coen

Thank you for coming to Parent Orientation!  Here is the link to the prezi from Thursday night.  Feel free to share it with your child or their grandparents.  Also, feel free to review it as needed.

Speaking of grandparents... I sent home a white half sheet of paper inviting grandparents to lunch on Monday, September 10th.  I apologize for the short notice. 

Also, I mentioned STAR parent reports and AR point reports during orientation.  I did not have an opportunity to print those reports off on Friday.  I will be sending them home sometime next week.

Next Friday is our FALL FESTIVAL!  I strongly encourage all of you to bring your families out to celebrate Hawthorn's 10th birthday.  It will be a fantastic night.  My daughter, Abigail, recently asked me what holiday we celebrate in September.  Since we had just returned from a Labor Day camping trip in Omaha, I reminded her of that.  To this she replied, "Labor Day is a boring holiday. I think Fall Festival should be our September holiday."  HA!  (For all my PTA readers...feel free to use that as your new promotional slogan.)

Finally, here is the link to a hard copy newsletter which outlines the week ahead and includes important upcoming dates.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend!


Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Friday!!

Hi All!!  It has been a fast week here in room 205.  My student bloggers, Max, Bella, Brandon, and Tori are busy writing their summaries of our learning; stay tuned for that post.  As for me,  I have a long list of events to tell you about:

Parent Orientation: 

This upcoming Thursday is our Parent Orientation.  It will be from 6:00 to 7:30.  Parent Orientation is a great way to find out about your child's day, the procedures, and expectations of the classroom and school.  You will also sign up for parent/teacher conferences at this time.  The students have been hard at work preparing for your visit.  Please mark your calendar to attend.



Monday, I sent home a packet for our PTA Fundraiser.  Our PTA is an amazing organization that helps to support the students of our wonderful school.  PTA helps pay for field trips, supplies for students and teachers, and contributes to wonderful social events for our school community.  By participating in the fundraiser you are helping our PTA continue its long standing tradition of serving Hawthorn's students. 

Fundraiser packets are due Sept. 10th.

This year several Hawthorn staff members are sponsoring exciting clubs!  Below is a list of clubs available to our students.  Please read the descriptions of each club carefully because many have grade level restrictions.

Watch D.O.G.S.:

An RSVP was sent home today for the upcoming Watch D.O.G.S. Pizza Night on Tuesday, Sept. 11th from 6-7 pm.  If you are interested in becoming a Watch D.O.G.S. or learning more about the program be sure to attend.  Hawthorn kids truly LOVE working and playing with their Watch D.O.G.S.

The 10th Annual Hawthorn Fall Festival will be on Friday, Sept. 14th from 4-8 pm.  and we need your help!

At the fall festival each class will have a basket to raffle off to earn money for our PTA.  Raffle tickets will be sold for $1.00 each.  Each grade level has been assigned a theme.  Simply find a new item that fits the theme and donate it to your child
s classroom basket. All donations are needed by Tuesday, September 14th.  Thanks for your help!

Grade Level themes are:
Kindergarten: Action figures & dress up
1st  grade: Arts and Crafts
2nd  grade:  Disney items
3rd grade: Board games, lego,  or puzzle
4th grade: Sports
5th  grade: Movies

Finally, for those of you who like having a hard copy of reminders, I have included a link to a newsletter reminding you of next weeks upcoming events.  

Have a great Labor Day weekend! 
-Mrs. Coen

A Great Week of Learning!

This week we just started ''read to someone''. Read to someone is when two people read to each other.We have different choices like I read,you read. I read you read is one partner reads a page. Then the other partner reads the same page. This helps us with fluency.  By Bella Holland

In math, we listen to a rapping song. The song is called what makes ten. We are learning what digits make ten. By Josh Alaniz

Last week we did saving Fred.  Fred is a sour gummy worm but it is cruel to eat Fred. Fred is our very best best friend. We are also talking about citizens. Every one is a citizen. We also learned what a bad and good citizen is. By Max Guerrero

At library I got a book about a girl.named Amelia Bedelia and it is a good book for me. by Viqtoria Lynn Howell.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Student Bloggers Share Their Week

I'm so excited to turn over some of the blogging duties to our student bloggers.  They worked as a team today to summarize what they felt to be the highlights of the week.  Here is what they had to say:

ART:  In room 205 we went to art. I thought we drew dragons. I thought it was scary. I learned that dragons have short teeth and they can eat people.

SCIENCE:  We did our first experiment! Our first experiment was called drops on a penny. One group got way more than every other group. We learned that is called an outlier.

READING: We have been practicing "Read to Self".  We are practicing the bad way and good way.  So far on reading we read 14 minutes.  We could not get into college or have a job without reading.

MATH: We are learning how to make ten.  For practice, we played "Circle the Number".  In that game we circle the number of bugs the teacher says.  The teacher calls the numbers really fast.  We also did Mountain Math.  We told time and multiplication.  I think the hardest for the class was 3x3. 

Written by, Max G., Tori H., Isabella H., and Josh A.

We fit a lot into the week!  Max, Tori, Isabella, and Josh didn't even have a chance to tell you all of the fun things we did.  However, your own child should have a "Weekly News" in their take home folder.  This is your chance to find out what your child thought was the best part of the week.  Then you or your child can comment below.  Also, here is the August 22 Newsletter

Okay, I think I'm ready to wrap the week up and get started celebrating the weekend with my own kiddos.  But before I end this post I wanted to share some fun pics from the week. 

 Some super creating for our "Super Power" writing!

We all had to work with our teams to save a poor worm named Fred!

 What was your child's favorite activity of the week?