Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!  I wish you all a peaceful day with your loved ones.  My family will be staying close to home this year and I am certainly thankful to be sans loooong car ride. :)

We spent a lot of time learning about Pilgrim life over the past few days.  I'm sure this will make for great dinner conversation on Thursday.  Below is the link to Plimoth Plantation's virtual field trips and interactive game.  Many of the students were interested in learning more and here is their opportunity!

Looking forward to next week I want to remind you of the upcoming events listed below:

Peek at the Week

Finally, I want to share my thanks to all of you!  I appreciate the opportunity to work with your children every day.  They are eager, thoughtful, and kind.  I have the best job in the world!!  Thanks for supporting what we do here, in school, and teaching your children to value their education. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

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