Monday, November 12, 2012

Scotland by Jake Powell

Hey it's Jake! Guess where I am? Scotland! I got here yesterday! Our plane landed at 7:45 a.m. in Scotland but it was 1:45 in Missouri! Our plane flew all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. What was cool about the plane was there was a little movie screen on the back of every chair. Before we flew to Edinburgh,Scotland we flew from Missouri to New Jersey. When we got here it was freezing! We walked around for a few hours last night and saw some really cool buildings. We slept for a long time last night! This morning the fire alarm woke us up at 11:00 a.m. but there was no fire. Today were going to a really old castle. Hope you guys have a good time at school.


  1. YAY! I'm really glad you all made it safely. We can't wait to hear about visiting a real castle. (Maybe you can show pictures, too!) When was the castle built? What was the most interesting thing about the castle?

    Do you like the Scottish accents? Is it ever hard understanding what people are saying?

    1. I do like the Scottish accents! But it is hard to understand. The guide told us that they aren't sure when the castle was built the first time (probably in the 12th century) but it was rebuilt in the 1400s after it was burned down.

  2. Hope you have fun on your trip. Please Reply your friend Luke.

  3. Hey Jake hope you are having fun.I miss you.Don't forget about my souvenir!

    Please reply.
    Your friend,

  4. YO Jake! I miss you. Hope you are having fun!

    Your Friend
