Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Edinburgh castle By Jake Powell

Yesterday me and my family went to Edinburgh castle. It was huge! It's built on a dead volcano. They don't know when it was built the first time (probably in the 12th century) but they know that it was rebuilt in the 1400s after it was burned down.  There was a really old church. It could only fit 25 people in it! It was so small! There was also a prison they used during different wars. The rooms were so small! Nobody lives in the castle anymore but when queen Elizabeth or any other person from the royal family is in Scotland they visit the castle but stay in the palace. We didn't get to see the palace. In the castle we saw the Scottish Crown Jewels. It was a pretty cool crown. No one has worn it for a couple of centuries because they have the Crown Jewels for the whole United Kingdom now. We went through the great hall and there was a bunch of swords and suits of armor. We even saw some jousting sticks! They were about 5 meters long. We also went up the "lang stairs". (Lang is just another word for long.) Guess how many stairs there were? 70! Today we are going to try to go to the Edinburgh zoo. Have a good day at school!


  1. Hey Jake, Can you reply to me and tell me about Edinburgh zoo.Our class really wants to know about it. I can tell them all about it.

    Your Friend,

  2. Jake,I want to know more about the brittish accent what specific words were hard to understand.Also,that is a lot of stairs!

    1. Hey Jake that's so cool that you went to a real castle!! What animals did you see at the zoo? Please Reply. Your friend Luke.

    2. They just say some funny words like bloke, toilet instead of restroom, cheerio, journey instead of trip, holiday instead of vacation, sit in or take away instead of here or to go at a restaurant!

  3. hey jake did you get to go into the jail in the castle! please reply. your friend corben.

    1. Yes we did. It was tiny. I got to lay on one of the beds but the bed was just a piece of wood on stone with a little pillow. I decided I would not want to go to jail and I asked my mom if she would bail me out!

  4. Hey Jake how would you feel like being imprisoned in a jail cell?
    Please reply
    Your friend,

  5. This is Isabella. I want to see some pictures of you and Scotland. Are there different animals at the zoo? Oh, I frogot to tell you this, when you come back you will make a cute little pilgrim that tells how you are like. When you are done with your pilgrim he will be sailing on the Mayflower with our class. I hope you have fun in Scotland!

  6. Yo Jake! Were the animals like ours here? It sounds so fun to go to. I wish I could go there someday. You know how you went to the prison about how many people could fit in the prison? Did you sleep in a fancy hotel? What was the hardest word to understand? If I was there I would run around like crazy. Hope you have a safe trip back and hope you enjoy the rest of your time there.

    Your Friend,

    1. I don't know how many people could fit in the prison but I think I took a picture so I will show you. The hotel we stayed in was kind of fancy but the room was really small and you could hardly walk around in it around the beds. My parents said I have been running around like crazy kind of like the spider monkeys at the zoo!

  7. As you can see, Jake, we are really excited to hear about your trip! Hope you are having fun!!

  8. YO JAKE,what kinds of animals did you see at the zoo? How are they diffrent than America's animals?

    Your Friend,

  9. Jake I finally hit the backboard! Please reply. Your friend Zeke.

  10. Jake get back here as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!Please reply.
    Your friend Zeke.
