Thursday, November 15, 2012

Edinburgh zoo and the train to London By Jake Powell

Sorry I couldn't blog yesterday. We took the train from Edinburgh to London and didn't have internet. 

On Tuesday we went to the Edinburgh Zoo. We saw a bunch of animals! Did you know they have two giant pandas? They weren't very giant though! They got them from China but only get to keep them for 10 years. When they were born they were the size of their ear. Now the boy weighs 70 kilograms and the girl weighs 30 kilograms. They eat bamboo and sometimes get carrots and apples. Sometimes they even feed them "panda cakes" but we don't know what is in them because the zookeeper keeps it a secret. 

The zoo had about the same kind of animals as Kansas City zoo but they all moved around more and we could get a lot closer to them. I liked the spider monkeys (there is a website where you can see them - ""), the zebras, the tigers and the chimpanzees. I got some really cool pictures and I will show them to you when we get back. The rhinoceroses were like right in front of you - like 5 feet away. The fence wasn't that good of a fence and it was like they could run right through it! One of them even put his head through the fence.  

Yesterday we went on the train to London.  It took 4 hours! Then we took a subway to Leicester Square in London. London is a way bigger city than Edinburgh and way busier. We walked around a little bit last night and ate at a chinese restaurant because we are staying in a "flat" in chinatown. A flat is just another word for an apartment. The flat has 2 bedrooms. When we got off the subway last night we noticed a bunch of spotlights in the sky and lots of people down the street. Later on we found out the whole cast from the new Twilight movie was in London right there and they were signing posters and a lot of people were taking pictures but we missed them by 10 minutes. My oldest sister loves Twilight and was sad that she didn't get to see them in person! But it was still cool that we were so close!

So, today we are going to look at a lot of stuff in London and I will tell you all about it later - and I will take a lot of pictures!


  1. Hi Jake! I am glad you are having a good trip.

  2. Hey Jake the zoo sounded fun. I wish I was there with you. We miss you at school. Please reply, Luke.

  3. When are you coming back? We miss you.

  4. CoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL!!!!!!

  5. Hey Jake, I can't wait to see all of the pictures you took. Also,Thanks for telling us about the Edinburgh zoo. I MISS YOU!


