Saturday, September 8, 2012

This Week Has Been Sizzling!

A Word from the student bloggers (Max and Josh)

Social Studies:
We have been working on what a responsible citizen is.

We have been making tens. We have started mountain math this week. Our class has been talking about adding. Our class is on a new math website called Mangahigh.

(I think there was an error in saving this draft, as we lost Bella's and Tori's reporting.)

A Word from Mrs. Coen

Thank you for coming to Parent Orientation!  Here is the link to the prezi from Thursday night.  Feel free to share it with your child or their grandparents.  Also, feel free to review it as needed.

Speaking of grandparents... I sent home a white half sheet of paper inviting grandparents to lunch on Monday, September 10th.  I apologize for the short notice. 

Also, I mentioned STAR parent reports and AR point reports during orientation.  I did not have an opportunity to print those reports off on Friday.  I will be sending them home sometime next week.

Next Friday is our FALL FESTIVAL!  I strongly encourage all of you to bring your families out to celebrate Hawthorn's 10th birthday.  It will be a fantastic night.  My daughter, Abigail, recently asked me what holiday we celebrate in September.  Since we had just returned from a Labor Day camping trip in Omaha, I reminded her of that.  To this she replied, "Labor Day is a boring holiday. I think Fall Festival should be our September holiday."  HA!  (For all my PTA readers...feel free to use that as your new promotional slogan.)

Finally, here is the link to a hard copy newsletter which outlines the week ahead and includes important upcoming dates.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I believe that could be out slogan for next yesr's fall festival!
