Friday, September 28, 2012

What's your schema? by Tyler

This week ourclass has been talking a lot about schema and making connections.  Another word for schema is background knowledge. Catchy huh? You use schema for a lot of reading! If you have a lot of schema that means you are very smart. Did you know that? Making connections is fun too!Zeke's connections are very amazing. Heres one of Zeke's: He noticed he found another crow in a another book. Awesome right? Making connections and using schema has been super fun!!!                                        By i'm Tyler

Click here to listen to the story we shared this week.

1 comment:

  1. Isabella and I went to the library to find more Patricia Polacco books. She was really moved by the story above and talked to me about the emotions that everyone was feeling and how the old saying about sticks and stones isn't always true. Words can hurt and that is why they are so powerful and should be used with care. Wonderful book selection!
