Friday, September 28, 2012

Saying Good-Bye to September!

I honestly can not believe how quickly September flew by.  The kids and I have hit our stride with our daily routines and I couldn't ask for a better group of students to spend my days teaching.  Of course when I turned the calendar over to plan for next week, panic set in!  Only 2 weeks until the end of 1st Quarter, YIKES!  There are still so many things on my to-do list.  One thing that may be on your child's to-do list is reaching their AR goal.  The students have only 2 weeks to get their remaining points. You may want to talk with them about their progress and set up a plan to help attain the last few points. 

**UPDATE:  The AR website I linked up in last week's post doesn't actually work for Park Hill students.  I recently learned that the ability to receive email alerts regarding your child's progress on AR quizzes comes at an additional fee to the district.  Maybe someday this will be available, but until then we will have to communicate progress via paper. **


Here is our Peek At Next Week:

Re;minder:  Please be sure to call the office to sign up for conferences.  They are quickly approaching!


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