Friday, May 3, 2013

Square Dancing By: Leah and Isadora

               This week in PE and Music we did square dancing.

              First ,you bow or curtsy to your partner { Girls can bow or curtsy}.Next,bow to your corner { the person behind you}.
 Then, grand right and left {put your hand out to the next person and use your left hand then right until you get to your partner}.
Next the boy takes the girl's hand and walks her around the circle until they get to their correct spot.
Then, link elbows and elbow swing around once.
The next thing is: the first group goes to the second group, walks around left then right, you right elbow swing the opposite of your partner then left elbow swing your partner.
Next the first group  does the same with the third group then fourth.
Then the second group does the same thing all around the circle.
Next you repeat evreything all over again just at the end with the third group then fourth.

                        THE END

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