Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17

Hi Everyone!

I want to begin by saying “thank you” for making me feel so appreciated this week!  Hawthorn is an amazing place to work and supportive parents like you really make a difference in a school’s atmosphere. 

Field Day is coming soon!  Tuesday, May 28th!!!!!!!!!!!

I will need many volunteers to help make the day successful for the students.  If you would be willing to assist with any of the preparations or be a volunteer at Field Days please let me know.  You are also more than welcome to just come enjoy the day.  Field day will begin at 9:30 and events will finish by 2:45.  The lunch menu for the day will be hamburger or hot dog.  If you plan on purchasing a lunch please fill out the form below or let your child’s teacher know by May 23rd so there is plenty of food for everyone.

                                                                                Thanks, Mrs. Bearce

                                                                        Physical Education Teacher

If you are interested in volunteering with Field Day activities, please email me and I will send home an information sheet for you to fill out and return for Mrs. Bearce. 

This year is drawing to a close and there are several events to be aware of and mark on your calendars. 

Next week:

Monday:  Mr. Renner, the father of a current kindergarten student, and several assistants, will talk to the kids about some of the basics of ballooning. Then they will demonstrate how the balloon is inflated. They have done this demonstration for groups of students before and he reports it was a hit! Hopefully the weather will co-operate so they will be able to show off the balloon! If we have to move it inside they will still be able to “cold inflate” the balloon partially and have the kids do a bit of participation.

Thursday: Students will be visited by the librarians of MCPL to learn about their summer reading program.  Also, author Coach Sloth will return to sign books.  Your child met Coach Sloth on Thursday and heard him speak about his experience writing a children’s series.  There is still time for your child to purchase a book.

The Last Week:

Monday:  Memorial Day—No School!

Tuesday: Field Day! 

Wednesday:  Last day to take AR quizzes

Thursday:  Awards Assembly (11:30-12:15) in our pod.  I will be sending home a letter early next week regarding what award your child will be receiving.

                AR Goal Party (3:30-5:00) in our pod.  Your child will receive an invitation when they meet their AR goal.

Friday:  Last Day!  Dismissal @ 11:45

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