Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy Friday!

Hi Everyone! I appreciate all of you for speaking with your child about your expectations of them during the school day. It made a tremendous difference. I needed to give fewer redirections and the quality of work increased. Thanks, again.

I think spring has officially sprung!  Which can't help but make me smile.  Spring is such a busy time of year- so many end of the year activities and new sport schedules.  Sometimes it is hard to maintain the routines you've had in place during the year. 

Here at school, I plan to keep our routine and expectations as consistent as possible.  We've set 4th quarter AR goals, homework will continue to consist of reading and a math reinforcement page.  We still have a lot of content to cover, so my lesson plans will be full of new information, skills, and strategies for the kids to master. 

Next week, we will begin a brief Test-Prep Unit during reader's workshop.  We will be working to learn good test-taking strategies.  In writing, we will begin our Fractured Fairy Tale Unit.  Students will be comparing and ordering fractions during math.  Finally, during social studies we will begin to focus on economic concepts, such as, identifying the difference between a good and a service and naming various types of resources. 

Upcoming Events:

April 19th- Mercury Gymnastics Night
April 24th- Take Your Child to Work Day
April 28th- School Cook-Out! (during your child's lunch time)
April 28th- Mid Terms Sent Home
April 29th- State Testing Begins

Have a great weekend!

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