Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy 2014!!

Hi Everyone,
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've written.  We've been plenty busy around here!!

New Year Resolutions

Last week we spent a lot of time reviewing our progress and establishing goals for the new year.  Your child thought about academic and personal goals they had for themselves and made a plan to help them be more successful.  Of course, every resolution needs a little "New Year Bling" to dress it up.  Below is a sample of our resolutions:
Our New Year Resolution Display


This week we have begun studying book series.  Students have chosen a book to read and have been organized into "book clubs".  Each day they are reading a chapter during class and then meeting with their "club" members to discuss what they've learned in the chapter. We are primarily focusing on characters and how they change through the course of a series and how they stay the same. 

In writing, we have begun our unit on Persuasive Speech writing!  We have only had two lessons, so far, but I sense sharing opinions and trying to persuade others will be highly motivating to this group of kiddos.  (I've already heard the beginning of a "class pet" argument.)  YIKES!


We are continuing to work on multiplication.  This week we've worked to notice patterns within multiples.  A lot of the students are struggling to remember their multiples of 9.  Have you noticed the digits of multiples of 9 always equal 9, when they are added together?
18(1+8=9)      27(2+7=9)      36(3+6=9)     45(4+5=9)     54(5+4=9)     63     72     81     90

 I shared a tip with the class:  To find the product of a 9s fact, first, look at the other factor (not the 9).  In the tens place of your answer you will write the digit that comes before that other factor.  Next, think "what plus this equals nine". That missing addend will be the digit you write in the ones place.  Knowing what number partners equal 9 will help greatly.  (See below for an example:)

An example of the little tip I explained above
The "partners" that equal nine
Our classroom hundred chart we studied to find patterns

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for the following events:
1/18- PTA Mercury Gymnastics Night (6:30-8)
1/20- No School MLK Day
1/31- Donuts with Dad for Watch Dogs (7:45-8:30)
2/13- 3rd Grade Symphony Field Trip (9-12)

If you are interested in attending the field trip, please write a note in your child's planner.  Because of the number of seats allotted, we will only be able to take 2 parents per classroom.  We will be drawing names next Wednesday.  


1 comment:

  1. If you need a pet for the classroom we have an aquarium that you're more than welcome too :) Or Bethany can bring in Boomer the hamster for show and tell lol! I love reading their persuasive writings I hope those will be posted so we can read them all! Thank you for the update, I missed reading updates on the class but know how busy you all are! Thanks again, Shawn
