Friday, October 18, 2013

The 15 Minute Blog

Hi everyone!  I have several things I want to share with you, but only a short time to write.  So, I've set my timer and will begin by sharing the most important information first!

Grade Cards

I will be sending home 1st quarter grade cards this afternoon.  In the manila envelope you will find your child's two-page grade card, along with a one-page paper entitled "Expected Performance Levels: Quarter 1".  Because of the nature of standards based grading, a great deal of what I teach is on a continuum.  We begin the work at the beginning of the year and continue practicing and learning how to apply these skills and strategies throughout their time in 3rd grade. The "Expected Performance Levels" page will tell you where I expect students to be along the continuum at this point in the school year.  When comparing your child's grade card to the "Expected Levels of Performance" paper, you may notice your child performed above, below, or right at the level expected at this time.  I will be happy to answer any questions about the grade card at conferences, next week.


I have stapled a conference reminder slip into your child's planner today.  Please mark this on your calendar. I look forward to meeting with all of you to discuss your child's growth.  See you Wed. or Thurs.!!

Looking Ahead

Next week is Red Ribbon Week!  Students are encouraged to wear red all week long to support anti-bullying and drug awareness.  There will be activities during lunch and recess for students to participate in.

That is all for now.  I will be sending out information regarding Fall Parties, 3rd Grade Demonstration Program/Math Night, and 2nd quarter goals soon.

Have a great weekend!

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