Thursday, October 24, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences!

Last night began Parent/Teacher Conferences.  I look forward to meeting with all of you, sharing your child's successes, and next steps for improvement. 

The reading log and math week #10 will be due on Monday October, 28th.  I will then send home a new (shortened) homework assignment due Friday Nov. 1st. 

Looking Ahead:

3rd Grade Demonstration Program and Math Night! 

Tuesday October, 29th is a school-wide math night along with our 3rd Grade Demonstration Program.  Students should wear their 3rd grade t-shirt that evening.  Our class's music demonstration begins at 6:00 pm.  I will be asking students to meet me in the cafeteria at 5:50 pm. 

Either before or after the program, families are welcome to visit the classroom and see what our new math series looks like and play some math games. 

Fall Parties!

Our fall parties will begin at 2:00 on Thursday October 31st.  During conferences, I will have you sign up to bring items for our celebration.  I will then make this sign-up available on Google Docs later tonight.  This is always a fun time for our students and families.  Parties will wrap up at 3:00.

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