Friday, September 27, 2013

The End of September

I can't believe we are saying good-bye to September next week!  October brings with it autumn leaves, pumpkins, ghosts, and grade cards.  It is difficult for me to believe we only have 2 weeks left in this grading period.  Time flies when you are having fun!!

Thanks to all of you who made it out to McTeacher Night last night.  I didn't get to see many of you because I was working the back drive-thru.  Working McTeacher Night always gives me new respect for the fast food industry and reminds me how important it is to be patient and share a smile with those on the other side of the counter. 

If you haven't returned your Math-A-Thon pledge money, yet, you may do so on Monday, Sept. 30th. 

Looking Ahead:

October 11th: End of 1st Quarter
October 14th: No School -Teachers Work Day
October 23rd: Picture Retake Day
October 23rd and 24th: Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25th: No School
October 29th: 3rd Grade Demonstration Program and Math Night
October 31st: Halloween Parade and Celebration 2:00-3:00

October has some important dates, so please mark your calendars.  I will be sending more information out regarding the Demonstration Program, Math Night, and Halloween festivities later in the month.

Finally, I have sent home another Scholastic Book Order.  The order forms will be due Tuesday, Oct. 8th.  You are welcome to order online:  our classroom online code is 1EENK

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