Friday, September 20, 2013


Well, today is Picture Day and I'm so impressed with how nice all of the kids are looking!  Picture Day always has a special energy to it- everyone is buzzing about wearing their neatest outfit, cautious of their hair, and always a bit distracted trying to add the finishing touches, such as: "collar up or collar down?"  As a result of Picture Day scheduling, we didn't actually get to writing our "Weekly News" for you.  So, I'll debrief our week's learning for you.

Reader's Workshop:  We are beginning a unit entitled: Following Characters into Meaning.  In this unit we will be exploring the good work readers do to envision what is happening in their stories, make theories about characters based on what they say or do, predict how characters will act or react in our stories, and explain the lessons characters learn throughout the story.  The nature of this work depends on your child reading fiction text.  Because of this, I will be asking students to choose a fiction story to read during class time.  I know I have some information fans in here, but it is necessary that they independently practice these types of thoughts throughout the unit.  Of course, students are free to read other types of texts at other times of the day.

Writer's Workshop:  We are continuing to craft true stories.  This week we focused on finding the most important scene in our story and building it up.  We are trying to do what other authors do, such as: adding dialogue to our stories, adding lots of description so our reader's can envision, and choosing strong action words. 

Math:  This week we wrapped up our first topic: understanding large numbers.  I'm planning on having the students test on the topic early next week and hopefully begin our 2nd topic: Addition Stategies. 

Science:  This week our science lessons focused on the function of the stem.  Student observed celery that had been soaking in dyed water.  We were able to observe the tubes (xylem) that transport the water to the leaves of the plant with our eyes, a handlense, and a microscope!  Special thanks to Aidan Oldham and Bethany Behrens for sharing their microscopes with our class.  It was a very exciting experience.


This Saturday is another HAWTHORN PTA Night at Mercury Gymnastics @ 6:30. 
Monday we will have our first Hawthorn Cookout during our scheduled lunch time.  Students will be able to choose from Hotdogs, Hamburgers, and Yogurt.  Parents are welcome to join!
Thursday Sept. 26 is McTeacher Night @ the Barry Road McDonalds!  Come join us for some food and fun.
Friday Sept. 27 Math-A-Thon money is due.

Have a great weekend!

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