Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday 8-30-2013

I hope you had a wonderful week. Things have been great here in room 205!!

We are deep into building our stamina for reading and writing independence.  It is critical for third graders to be able to read and write, uninterrupted, for at least 30 minutes.  While your child is practicing good reading and writing skills, I will be conferring with students in order to provide them more individual reading and writing instruction. 

I have sent home a slip that indicates your child's AR goal for this quarter.  In order to attend the quarterly celebration, your child will need to have met their AR reading goal and have returned 90%  of their homework pages.  Since students have a week to do their homework, this should never be a problem.  Some students have already begun taking AR quizzes, but I will begin to push this much harder next week.  For more information about AR, homework, and Quarterly Celebrations click here .

In math, we have been working to understand the value of large numbers and the many ways to write these large numbers.  We will continue this topic through next week.

Next week ushers in a new month.  September brings a lot of school fun (and hopefully a return to cooler weather).  Below I have included a list of dates to mark on your calendar:

9-2-13: No School, Labor Day
9-3-13: PTA Meeting, 6:30 Media Center (Superintendent, Dr. Springston will be there!)
9-9-13: Math-a-Thon Pledge Sheets come home
9-13-13: Fall Festival, 5:00
9-16-13: Mid-terms come home
9-17-13: Math-a-Thon Test Day!
9-20-13: Picture Day!
9-21-13: Mercury Gymnastics Night, 6:30
9-27-13: Math-A-Thon money due

Fall Festival:

Our PTA is starting to collect items for the classroom basket raffles at our Fall Festival. Please send your donations to the school when you can.
There is now a volunteer sign up sheet available at the following link:
Please click on this link to sign up to volunteer at our Fall Festival on Sept.13th from 5:30-7:30pm on @VolunteerSpot today!
We have lots of exciting things planned, including:
Cheerleaders from PHSH performing.
A tree planting ceremony
Carnival games, food, bounce houses and a DJ
The Drumline from PHSH from 630-7:00!
If they have questions they can contact Jen Gust at 816-916-9986

or or check the PTA website for further information.

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