Friday, August 17, 2012

A Great First Week!

Well, we eased into it and I can confidently say we had a great first week of school!  I have 26 amazing kids in my class with a wide variety of talents.  In fact, the majority of them had no trouble at all writing about their own "super power" today. 

(Don't see your "Super Kid"?  I added more pics in the "About Us" tab.)

We spent a lot of time this week learning procedures and expectations for being successful third graders.  We even learned the proper way to organize a desk!! 

Along with establishing routines during the school day, I also sent home the first homework assignment.  Typically, I send homework home on Friday and it is due back the following Friday.  If your child finishes the homework early, they are welcome to bring it back before the due date.  This week's homework is an introduction to the Reading Log

Remember what I said about spending 3 days establishing routines at school? Well, establishing a routine of nightly reading will do a lot to advance your child's reading ability; not to mention, your relationship with each other.  In my home we began "family reading time" as part of our bedtime routine.  After pjs are on and teeth are brushed, we power off the t.v. and other electronics and spend a minimum of 10 minutes reading.  Now, I know many of you have extra-curricular activities that keep you very busy.  It is for that very reason I allow 7 days to finish the homework.  This way you can find time in your schedule to read 90 minutes.

Finally, I wanted to share a link to the weekly newsletter.  In it you will find information about our upcoming encore schedule, school-wide events, as well as a little "this and that" regarding our classroom. 

Did your child have a SUPER first week of 3rd grade?  Let me know below.


  1. I had a great first week of school.I think I'm going to really like Hawthorn!!!And I really like you And your class!!!!!!! Raquel

    1. I am so glad to hear that, Raquel!! Hawthorn is a great place and we are happy to have you as part of our school. I have some fun things planned for us this week and I'll need your help taking the pictures! See you tomorrow! Mrs. Coen

  2. Corben had a great day at school. It is so heartwarming to see his excitement and hear about his new friends and catch up on the old ones. It is going to be a great year!

    Thanks Mrs. Coen

    1. I am so glad to hear Corben is excited for school! He is a great friend to his classmates. I'm lucky to have him in my class. It will be a great year!

  3. Clara thinks you are wonderful and beautiful. It is so great to have her be excited to go to school every day and it is all thanks to great teachers like Mrs. Coen!

    1. Clara is such a sweet girl! I hope she continues to enjoy school. Her bright personality puts a smile on my face each day. We are going to have a great year!
