Friday, September 12, 2014


Don’t Forget tonight is the FALL FESTIVAL from 5-7!


Here's what to be looking for in your child's backpack...

Like every Friday, I have sent home the upcoming week’s homework assignment. Math-A-Thon pledge sheets were sent home Monday.  Thanks to those who have already returned them with pledges.  They are due back Monday.  Picture order forms were sent home this week, as well.  Orders and money are not due until picture day.   Two papers regarding two different art clubs were sent home this week.  I know one of those clubs filled up very quickly and a wait list was created.  You will be contacted by the club teacher if your child was placed in the club or is on the waiting list. 


Book Order:

Last Friday, I sent home our first book order of the year, but neglected to tell you the due date for book orders to be returned.  I will close the book order Friday, September 19th. 


Mark Your Calendar: 

September 15th – Midterms will be sent home

September 16th – Math-A-Thon Test

September 16th – WatchDog Kickoff – 5:30 – 6:30 pm

September 19th – Picture Day

September 20th – PTA Mercury Gymnastics Night – 6:30 – 8:00pm

September 25th – McTeacher Night – 4:00 – 8:00 pm

September 26th – Math-A-Thon Money Due


Have a great weekend,


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